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Contributor III
Contributor III

A subtotal / aggr related question | Weighted Average days per dimension


I've the following formula that works great:

AVG([Days]) * (Sum([Value]) / Sum(TOTAL <[Dimension]> [DO Dual Sum]))

Now if I choose to use SUM as the total, instead of AUTO I get the value I want. I want to display that SUM aggregated per Dimension

So tried things like:

SUM(aggr(AVG([DSO]) * (Sum([DO Dual Sum]) / Sum(TOTAL <[Dimension]> [DO Dual Sum])),Dimension))

This however, gives me a different value.

Any idea?

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3 Replies

May be any one of the follows? Please use Auto option

Sum(Aggr(AVG([Days]) * (Sum([Value]), Dim1)) / Sum(TOTAL <[Dimension]> [DO Dual Sum])


Sum(Aggr(AVG([Days]) * (Sum([Value]), Dim1)) / Sum(Aggr(Sum(TOTAL <[Dimension]> [DO Dual Sum]), Dim1))

Best Anil, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful
Contributor III
Contributor III

Unfortunately, these two options you provided give the same result as if you would have used Auto in the originally posted calculation (55) AVG( [Real DPO/DSO]) * ( Sum([DO Dual Sum]) / Sum(TOTAL <[Legal Entity]> [DO Dual Sum]) ), but we want here is to get 47.

Sum in Totals = 47 

asdasdasdas.PNGAuto in Totals = 55



Are you using a calculated dimension where you have restricted the dimension to be some set of the all the values within dimension? If you did, then you might need to use set analysis in your expression to get the right total.