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Aggr function with multiple if else conditions


I'm trying to write an expression for "Integrator Revenue" measure based on the following conditions from the example table:

  1. Earliest Send Date aggregated on a Customer and Platform level must always be later than Integration date (based on the whole dataset, not just selected time frame)
  2. If first condition is met, and Service is not "SMS" or "Voice", just calculate the Integrator Revenue (Revenue*RevenueShare/100) for the selected time frame 
  3. If first condition is met, and if Service is "SMS" or "Voice",  check if SUM(GrossProfit)/SUM(Revenue)*100>=RevenueShare and then calculate the Integrator Revenue (Revenue*RevenueShare/100) for the selected time frame 
  4. if none of the conditions are met, Integrator Revenue should be 0
Customer Integrator Platform Service Request Type Id Interactions Revenue Gross Profit Earliest Send Date Integration Date Revenue Share %
2 Integrator1 Platform1 SMS 1 57.134 1.472,40 236,55 € 2020-04-22 2022-08-01 5
13 Integrator2 Platform2 SMS 1 31.237 749,04 124,27 € 2022-07-13 2021-12-15 5
32 Integrator1 Platform2 SMS 1 26.705 402,03 125,93 € 2022-01-27 2021-12-15 5
58 Integrator2 Platform2 SMS 1 7.170 398,66 317,86 € 2023-04-22 2021-12-15 5
59 Integrator2 Platform3 SMS 1 303.944 195,22 -4,03 € 2022-11-07 2023-03-01 5
61 Integrator1 Platform2 SMS 1 7.162 145,93 8,06 € 2021-01-06 2021-12-15 5
85 Integrator1 Platform1 SMS 1 2.716 103,58 22,00 € 2021-05-10 2022-08-01 5
102 Integrator1 Platform2 SMS 1 5.534 93,92 29,15 € 2022-04-22 2021-12-15 5
104 Integrator1 Platform4 SMS 1 4.554 74,13 33,71 € 2022-06-15 2022-11-30 5
106 Integrator2 Platform2 SMS 1 946 59,50 0,33 € 2022-09-16 2021-12-15 5
113 Integrator2 Platform2 SMS 1 2.573 58,93 8,89 € 2022-04-08 2021-12-15 5
122 Integrator1 Platform2 SMS 1 2.034 48,57 5,45 € 2022-03-14 2021-12-15 5
130 Integrator1 Platform2 SMS 1 2.889 44,73 17,99 € 2020-01-01 2021-12-15 5
136 Integrator2 Platform2 SMS 1 3.684 37,17 34,77 € 2020-09-15 2021-12-15 5
160 Integrator2 Platform2 SMS 1 108.327 30,45 10,04 € 2022-02-10 2021-12-15 5
166 Integrator1 Platform4 SMS 1 691 28,17 15,05 € 2022-02-18 2022-11-30 5
166 Integrator2 Platform2 SMS 1 11.935 20,38 16,45 € 2022-09-30 2021-12-15 5
174 Integrator1 Platform2 SMS 1 998 19,31 1,03 € 2021-08-20 2021-12-15 5
175 Integrator1 Platform2 SMS 1 856 17,60 1,63 € 2021-02-05 2021-12-15 5
175 Integrator1 Platform2 SMS 1 726 16,70 2,08 € 2022-04-08 2021-12-15 5
178 Integrator1 Platform2 SMS 1 1.912 16,08 5,48 € 2023-01-02 2021-12-15 5
178 Integrator1 Platform2 SMS 1 38.419 14,87 4,42 € 2022-02-10 2021-12-15 5
181 Integrator2 Platform2 SMS 1 921 11,25 3,98 € 2023-05-30 2021-12-15 5
205 Integrator1 Platform2 SMS 1 184 11,04 8,24 € 2020-01-01 2021-12-15 5
215 Integrator2 Platform2 SMS 1 363 10,14 0,38 € 2022-09-27 2021-12-15 5
219 Integrator2 Platform2 SMS 1 318 8,27 3,10 € 2020-01-09 2021-12-15 5
227 Integrator1 Platform2 SMS 1 2.696 8,17 6,68 € 2020-01-01 2021-12-15 5
232 Integrator1 Platform2 SMS 1 186 7,09 2,69 € 2021-11-24 2021-12-15 5
253 Integrator1 Platform2 SMS 1 602 6,72 4,34 € 2021-12-07 2021-12-15 5
254 Integrator2 Platform2 SMS 1 174 6,70 4,72 € 2022-11-28 2021-12-15 5
266 Integrator1 Platform2 SMS 1 5.529 3,39 1,52 € 2021-05-19 2021-12-15 5
283 Integrator2 Platform2 SMS 1 415 1,68 0,37 € 2023-05-09 2021-12-15 5
316 Integrator2 Platform2 Viber 39 1.211 1,51 0,16 € 2022-06-28 2021-12-15 5
323 Integrator1 Platform2 SMS 1 96 1,44 0,32 € 2021-10-06 2021-12-15 5
323 Integrator2 Platform2 SMS 1 346 1,37 1,37 € 2023-05-23 2021-12-15 5
325 Integrator2 Platform2 SMS 1 943 1,27 0,71 € 2022-09-28 2021-12-15 5
335 Integrator2 Platform2 SMS 1 27 0,64 0,64 € 2023-06-21 2021-12-15 5
350 Integrator2 Platform2 SMS 1 240 0,55 0,46 € 2023-03-10 2021-12-15 5
352 Integrator2 Platform2 SMS 1 176 0,50 0,46 € 2020-01-01 2021-12-15 5
355 Integrator1 Platform2 SMS 1 969 0,50 0,24 € 2020-01-02 2021-12-15 5
369 Integrator1 Platform2 SMS 1 138 0,46 0,32 € 2020-01-02 2021-12-15 5
385 Integrator1 Platform2 SMS 1 24 0,34 0,15 € 2022-06-07 2021-12-15 5
387 Integrator2 Platform2 SMS 1 23 0,29 0,19 € 2023-04-18 2021-12-15 5
395 Integrator2 Platform4 SMS 1 5 0,20 0,09 € 2022-02-18 2022-11-30 5
403 Integrator2 Platform2 SMS 1 5 0,14 0,01 € 2023-02-10 2021-12-15 5
404 Integrator2 Platform4 SMS 1 4 0,07 0,02 € 2022-05-24 2022-04-01 5
414 Integrator2 Platform2 SMS 1 1 0,04 0,01 € 2023-06-10 2021-12-15 5
421 Integrator1 Platform2 SMS 1 3 0,02 0,00 € 2020-11-13 2021-12-15 5
422 Integrator2 Platform2 SMS 1 18 0,01 0,00 € 2020-01-02 2021-12-15 5


I tried many things, but could not get it to work properly, so hoping someone would have an idea. 🙂

Thanks a lot in advance!

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