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Contributor III
Contributor III

Aggregate over multiple fields and condition

Hi, I have a below table structure

Id, Date, Week, Numerator, Denominator, StartDate (Calculated Field), EndDate (Calculated Field)

Attached excel with data source data and calculations required.

Now i would like to populate Sum(Numerator), Sum(Denominator), KPI =Sum (Numerator)/sum(Denominator) and Rank based on KPI within Week against each ID. However, the sum(Numerator) and sum(Numerator) has to be same for ID between StartDate and EndDate.

I tried many things, but could not get it work.

FYI. have used Qliksense before 3 years and started again very recently.

@sunny_talwar , @swuehl  - i have seen quite a bit of succesful solutions from your side for similar query in many posts, so hopeful that you would be able to help me. Apologies for direct tag.

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22 Replies
Contributor III
Contributor III

thanks @sunny_talwar , trying that as next iteration. 

Contributor III
Contributor III

Just in case it helps someone looking for similar solution.

i coult not find asoftable way to work as i need both weekly and monthly summary in my analysis.

as i said,  solution provided by @sunny_talwar  works well if there are no missing days, so I created a simple script to impute missing days;

1) Delete all tables (since i needed to run the script many times and with many intermediate tables, i was difficult to keep a track of which table is created when, so i simply delete all tables before data load to flush out all unnecessary tables)

LET vL.NumTabelle = NoOfTables();

FOR j=0 to $(vL.NumTabelle)-1

LET vL.nomeTabella = TableName(0);

  DROP Table [$(vL.nomeTabella)];


2) Load data from source




               Date(Date#(DailyDate, 'DD/MM/YYYY') ) AS DailyDate,

               Date(DateWeek, 'DD/MM/YYYY') ) AS [WC Week],



 FROM [lib://(Connection_name)/(file_name)]

(ooxml, embedded labels, table is Sheet1);

3) Get max and min value by each ID




               Min(Date(Date#(DailyDate, 'DD/MM/YYYY') )) AS MinDate,

// for records with only 1 dailyDate, keep max date as max date +1 for next step //             

IF((Min(Date(Date#(DailyDate, 'DD/MM/YYYY') )))=(Max(Date(Date#(DailyDate, 'DD/MM/YYYY') ))),1,0)+Max(Date(Date#(DailyDate, 'DD/MM/YYYY') )) AS MaxDate

               Resident [Table1]

    Group by ID;

4) Iterate through each record and create copy of each record till max date is reached. For record with only 1 date, min date  = max date (if not added one) and corresponding record will not get created, thats' why 1 is added if mindate and maxdate are same (which can only happen if there is only 1 record for a given ID)

this table is left joined on original table by ID and DailyDate


Load ID,

Date(iterno()+MinDate) as DailyDate,

//Create Week New column here //

WeekStart(Date(iterno()+MinDate)) as [Week New]

resident [ALLID]

While iterno()+MinDate <= MaxDate;


left join

load * resident [Table1];


5) delete unnecessary tables

drop Table [ALLID];

drop table [Table1];

Exit Script;

this works perfectly well with Rangesum(above )formula that @sunny_talwar  provided.


Contributor III
Contributor III

Just in case it helps someone,

I created a script to inpute missing days as follow

LET vL.NumTabelle = NoOfTables();

FOR j=0 to $(vL.NumTabelle)-1

LET vL.nomeTabella = TableName(0);

  DROP Table [$(vL.nomeTabella)];





               Date(Date#(DailyDate, 'DD/MM/YYYY') ) AS DailyDate,

               Date(DateWeek, 'DD/MM/YYYY') ) AS [WC Week],



 FROM [lib://(Connection_name)/(file_name)]

(ooxml, embedded labels, table is Sheet1);





               Min(Date(Date#(DailyDate, 'DD/MM/YYYY') )) AS MinDate,

// for records with only 1 daily date, keep max date as max date +1 for next step //             

IF((Min(Date(Date#(DailyDate, 'DD/MM/YYYY') )))=(Max(Date(Date#(DailyDate, 'DD/MM/YYYY') ))),1,0)+Max(Date(Date#(DailyDate, 'DD/MM/YYYY') )) AS MaxDate

               Resident [Table1]

    Group by ID;



Load ID,

Date(iterno()+MinDate) as DailyDate,

WeekStart(Date(iterno()+MinDate)) as [Week New]

resident [ALLID]

While iterno()+MinDate <= MaxDate;


left join

load * resident [Table1];


drop Table [ALLID];

drop table [Table1];

Exit Script;


works well with Rangesum(above) formula suggested by @sunny_talwar