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I am very new to Qlik, using QlikSense desktop. I have two year (2016, 2017) daily sales data like below
Date / Sales
01.10.16 / 100
05.10.16 / 50
04.03.17 / 20
05.08.17 / 60
Today () = 6/11/17
I am just trying to find Total Sales for the Selected Month and Previous Month. Below is my script
My Dimension is Date.autoCalendar.YearMonth
Count({1<[Date.autoCalendar.MonthsAgo]={$(vMonthsAgo)}, [Date.autoCalendar.YearsAgo]={$(vYearsAgo)}>}[Sales])
vMonthAgo=(Year(Today())-Year(Max([Stay Date])))*12 + Month(Today())- Month(Max([Stay Date]))+1
vYearsAgo =Year(Today())- Year(AddMonths(Max([Stay Date]),-1))
It works well when I select a months in 2017 but it gives 0 when I select a month in 2018?
Can someone help me with this?
Thank you
It's a matter of choice; when you work with qlik ; you'll love it; and when you'll do, you'll want to build your own expressions and have full control over everything.
This does not ommit the fact that the auto calendar is a great feature.
please refer to this video : (other ones can be found)
Creating calendar measures - Qlik Sense - YouTube
mto, if you any other sources that can help him, please do share
Hope this helps !
omarbensalemb I'll let you answer him
Since you're new to Qlik Tolga, I'll try to explain to you the time functions step by step:
Let's suppose you have a date field (you don't have to create variables); only a date field will do the job.
And let's suppose you've created a calendar in your script so you have Year,Month, Quarter and Week fields
YTD: if we select 12/04/2016: YTD will return our measure from 01/01/2016 to 12/04/2016
How we do that?
Suppose our measure is : sum(Sales)
1)First changes: sum({<date=,Year=,Month=,Quarter=>}Sales)
We add these to force Qlik to not take into consideration our selection of date for example.
Let me explain in better words, if you don't write the "date=" and select the date 12/04/2016; Qlik will filter all the data to that selected point and then return the sum(Sales) for the day 12/04/2016.
To prohibit this, we must write the date=.
2) Second change: sum({<date=,Year=,Month=,Quarter=, date={">=$(=YearStart(Max(date)))<=$(=Max(date))"}>}Sales)
Let explain this : date={">=$(=YearStart(Max(date)))<=$(=Max(date))"}
We want to work from date=01/01/2016 to the selected date=12/04/2016 right?
So we're working with the field :
a) date={ }
b) Now we wanna this date to be <=selected date which is max(date) ;
max(date) is a function so it needs an "=" sign:
when we have a '=' we add the $ (before each calculation) : $(=max(date) ) => this is 12/04/2016
Now we add the <= so we'll have : <=$(=max(date) )
for the second part, we want our date to be >=01/01/2016 which is the start of the year:
a) same approach, we use the YearStart function that returns the start of the selected year: >=$(=YearStart(Max(date)))
Now our expression is : from : date={ }
to : date={>=$(=YearStart(Max(date)))<=$(=Max(date))}
Now, in a set expression, if we wanna work with the year 2016 for example which is numeric: we call it without quotes:
If we wanna focus on a country, Tunisia for example which is a string: we call it with quotes
In our case, we focusing on a range of dates created by an expression, so we surround it by double quotes:
Final expression for YTD:
sum({<date=,Year=,Month=,Quarter=, date={">=$(=YearStart(Max(date)))<=$(=Max(date))"}>}Sales)
Same approach for MTD:
sum({<date=,Year=,Month=,Quarter=, date={">=$(=MonthStart(Max(date)))<=$(=Max(date))"}>}Sales)
So, if we wanna focus on the YTD-1, we wanna alter this part:
to do so, we want to situate our self in the previous year, to do that, their is a function called addYears.
How we use it? addYears('04/12/2017',-1) = 04/12/2016;
So our expression will become:
With this, if the max(Date) in 2017 is 24/03/2017 (like in your case)
The YTD-1 will return the NET_AMOUNT from 01/01/2016 to 24/03/2016 .
Hope this helps,
Thanks a lot omarbensalem, surely it will help; since you have explained it step by step. I've tried and it works
But how about this "autocalendar" property? I have assumed it would make life far easier for anyone who is working with dates; but I couldn't see much resources about it in the forum. Any specific reason that you are not using it?
thank you
It's a matter of choice; when you work with qlik ; you'll love it; and when you'll do, you'll want to build your own expressions and have full control over everything.
This does not ommit the fact that the auto calendar is a great feature.
please refer to this video : (other ones can be found)
Creating calendar measures - Qlik Sense - YouTube
mto, if you any other sources that can help him, please do share
Hope this helps !