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is it possible to make a chart in which are all days from today minus 7 Days and fill it also with empty data if there are no datas in the load?
For example, i have data from MO - TUE and from Thursday - Sunday. But Wednesday i dont have datas. Can i add also the Day "Wednesday" also in the chart with empty datas?
If I understood exactly what you want, I should say yes. Even there are no data for Wednesday you could create this type of visualization you want to.
Sorry, i mean in qlikview. I was in the false forum. Can anyone switch this post to the correct forum please? Thank you!
Hi Mike,
To generate missing dates you will have to use a Master Calendar. You can use the script below:
For all days from today minus 7, you can use a calculated dimension:
IF(<YourDateField> <= Date(Today()-7),<YourDateField>)
Master Calendar Script:
minmax_temp: LOAD MIN(%Date_Key) AS MinDate, MAX(%Date_Key) AS MaxDate RESIDENT Lot_Productie; LET vmindate = NUM(PEEK('MinDate', 0 , 'minmax_temp')); LET vmaxdate = NUM(PEEK('MaxDate', 0 , 'minmax_temp')); LET vToday = NUM(Today()); TempCalender: LOAD DATE($(vmindate) + ROWNO() -1 ) AS TempDate AUTOGENERATE $(vmaxdate) - $(vmindate) +1; //Create the Master Calendar MasterCalendar: LOAD Num(TempDate) AS %Date_Key, TempDate AS Date, Week(TempDate) AS Week, Year(TempDate) AS Year, Month(TempDate) AS Month, Day(TempDate) AS Day, WeekDay(TempDate) AS WeekDay, 'Q' & Ceil(Month(TempDate) / 3) AS Quarter, Date(MonthStart(TempDate),'MMM-YYYY') AS MonthYear, Week(TempDate) &'-'& If(Week(TempDate)=1 AND Month(TempDate)=12,Year(TempDate)+1, If(Match( Week(TempDate), 52, 53) AND Month(TempDate)=1, Year(TempDate)-1, Year(TempDate))) AS WeekYear, Dual(Year(TempDate) & '-Q' & Ceil(Month(TempDate)/3), Year(TempDate) & Ceil(Month(TempDate)/3)) AS QuarterYear, InYearToDate(TempDate, $(vToday), 0) * -1 AS CYTDFlag, InYearToDate(TempDate, $(vToday), -1) * -1 AS LYTDFlag, InMonthToDate(TempDate, $(vToday), 0) * -1 AS CMTDFlag, InMonthToDate(TempDate, $(vToday), -1) * -1 AS LMTDFlag, InWeekToDate(TempDate, $(vToday), 0) * -1 AS CWTDFlag, InWeekToDate(TempDate, $(vToday), -1) * -1 AS LWTDFlag RESIDENT TempCalender ORDER BY TempDate ASC; DROP TABLE TempCalender; DROP TABLE minmax_temp;
Thank you! But i dont see in the Line-Chart the zero Data. I see only the Datas on which i have.