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Hello, I hope someone can help me out here.
I have a spreadsheet with a column called Date Highlighted. The format is m/dd/yyyy. I have this expression:
=If(Year([Date Highlighted]) = 2021, 'green()', white())
My thinking is that if the year is 2021, then the row should be green, otherwise it's white. However, all rows are white. Can someone tell me what is wrong with my expression?
I think you passed green() in single quotes '', remove quotes and try
If(Date([Date Highlighted],'YYYY') = 2021, green(), white())
Thanks, neither solution worked. It's not a big deal though. Just trying to replicate my spreadsheet.
If this formula is being passed to the field expression, it will be white. However, it should work as expected if you use it as a formula in the background color expression.
Thanks, that is where I am passing the expression.
Thanks, I subscribed to the channel. Hopefully and answer appears.