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You want to capture the records that have 2 data loaded with a specific value. Example: You answered that "Yes" in question 1 and question 2, count how many they are.
The following statement is being used, but it is not counting the data:
• Account ([10] = 'Yes; 0' and [11] = 'Yes; 0')
use set expression like as below,
question is not clear, Can you elaborate the same,
share if you can share some sample data
it look like you are trying to count Accounts who has more than or equal to 2 yes
we need to have having clause ,
I am trying to count the records that have 2 specific values, for example:
If you answer YES in the question Sell chip? and answer YES in the question Do you sell refills?
Count how many records have those 2 answers in the rows loaded.
The following statement is being used, but it is not counting the data:
Count([10]='Si;0' and [11]='Si;0')