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Hi there. I'm trying to apply conditional colouring to a pivot table but my script isn't working and I can't for the life of me work out why.
I have a measure in my pivot table of:
Depending on the number I want to colour the box of the pivot table:
>0.9 Green
>0.1 Amber
<0.1 Red
The expression I've created for this is as follows. however its not working at all, and I really don't understand why. Can anyone spot an issue with it?
Hi all. I eventually found the solution but wasn't as straight forward as I'd have hoped. but this one worked in the end after trying lots of different ways!!!
IF(AVG({<[SmartAssistantUsed]-={0}>}[SmartAssistantUsed]/[SmartAssistantIssueDetected])<.11, Red,
IF(AVG({<[SmartAssistantUsed]-={0}>}[SmartAssistantUsed]/[SmartAssistantIssueDetected])<.90, Amber,
IF(SUM(SAUsed)/SUM(SAIssueDetected)>0.1 and SUM(SAUsed)/SUM(SAIssueDetected) <0.9,'b6b700',
Try this
if(SUM(AssistantUsed)/SUM(AssistantIssueDetected) >= 0.9, 'Green',
if(SUM(AssistantUsed)/SUM(AssistantIssueDetected) > 0.1, 'Amber',
Try this
IF(SUM(SAUsed)/SUM(SAIssueDetected)>0.1 and SUM(SAUsed)/SUM(SAIssueDetected) <0.9,rgb(255,191,0),
Thanks all. will try all these suggestions as soon as I'm able! Cheers!
Hi all. I eventually found the solution but wasn't as straight forward as I'd have hoped. but this one worked in the end after trying lots of different ways!!!
IF(AVG({<[SmartAssistantUsed]-={0}>}[SmartAssistantUsed]/[SmartAssistantIssueDetected])<.11, Red,
IF(AVG({<[SmartAssistantUsed]-={0}>}[SmartAssistantUsed]/[SmartAssistantIssueDetected])<.90, Amber,