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I am experiencing a weird thing, which I hope anybody could explain.
I am trying to use the same master measure for KPI and for Bar/Pie chart.
This is the formula I'm using:
count({<[TBLSupplierInovice.StatusCheck]={'NOGOOD'}>+<[TBLPaybale.IsCurrencyDiscrepancy]={">0"}>+<[TBLPaybale.IsSupplierDiscrepancy]={">0"}>+<[TBLSupplierInovice.IsPriceDiscrepancy]={">0"}>} distinct InvoiceNumber)
I want to count invoice number distinctly for every line that complies with at least one of the conditions.
When exporting the result to KPI object, I get a certain result.
When exporting to Bar/Pie chart the total of all categories is different than KPI result.
I tried many variations, sometimes the result I wish for is in KPI, and somtimes the result I wish for is in the chart.
Another important note is that when I take only one condition, the results are fine.
-Like this: count({<[TBLSupplierInovice.IsPriceDiscrepancy]={">0"}>} distinct InvoiceNumber)
Anybody has a clue?
Hi Yaniv,
Can you please ensure the enable null value is same in both the KPI or in pie or bar chart.
Sometimes that can cause a difference.
Many Thanks
Hi Yaniv,
Can you please ensure the enable null value is same in both the KPI or in pie or bar chart.
Sometimes that can cause a difference.
Many Thanks
It's better disable Show null values option under dimension properties, so that you can match all the numbers
That seems helpful, thank you.