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Contributor III
Contributor III

Dynamically find the top 3 monthly sales in last 12 months for each product / branch and then sum of those sales

I've got a following table shows last 24 months monthly sales.  (Just pick 1 product and 1 branch for demo)

Rolling 12 Months Flag Calendar Date Branch ID Product ID sum([Financial Quantity Sold])
1 1/10/2023 201 10000101 4747
1 1/9/2023 201 10000101 1110
1 1/8/2023 201 10000101 2846
1 1/7/2023 201 10000101 1361
1 1/6/2023 201 10000101



1 1/5/2023 201 10000101 2305
1 1/4/2023 201 10000101 1833
1 1/3/2023 201 10000101 2379
1 1/2/2023 201 10000101 2500
1 1/1/2023 201 10000101 3121
1 1/12/2022 201 10000101 2511
1 1/11/2022 201 10000101 3235
0 1/10/2022 201 10000101 3766
0 1/9/2022 201 10000101 3389
0 1/8/2022 201 10000101 2857
0 1/7/2022 201 10000101 3678
0 1/6/2022 201 10000101 1265
0 1/5/2022 201 10000101 1616
0 1/4/2022 201 10000101 4083
0 1/3/2022 201 10000101 3348
0 1/2/2022 201 10000101 3694
0 1/1/2022 201 10000101 2182
0 1/12/2021 201 10000101 529
0 1/11/2021 201 10000101 373
0 1/10/2021 201 10000101 200

Rolling 12 months Flag = 1 help to filter last 12 months only and I am trying to write a formula that sum up the top 3 monthly sales for each product by branch.  So I am looking to build:

Branch ID Product ID Top 3 Months sales
201 10000101 11103


In last 12 months for this product and branch, the highest 3 months sales are (4747 + 3235 + 3121) = 11103.
I try to use the following formula but not work:

Sum({<[Rolling 12 Months Flag] = {"1"}>} [Financial Quantity Sold]),
RowNo() <= 3
[Branch ID], [Product ID], [Calendar Date]

Anyone can help me out?

Thanks in advance.


Labels (1)
2 Replies
Partner - Specialist
Partner - Specialist

Maybe like this:

sum({<CalendarDate = {"=Rank(sum({<Rolling12MonthsFlag={1}>}FinancialQuantitySold))<4"}>} FinancialQuantitySold)

Manuel Rühl
Contributor III
Contributor III

Many Thanks.

I have a play with the logic and the formula only working when filter down to a branch for a product.  But if I do not put any filter and leave it as a flat table with all branches and products,the formula is not working.

Formula used:
sum({<[Calendar Date] = {"=Rank(sum({<[Rolling 12 Months Flag]={1}>}[Financial Quantity Sold]),4)<4"}>} [Financial Quantity Sold])
P.S: added mode 4 in Rank() as I only want the top 3 numbers of Qty Sold. 

An example here when I've only filtered product: 1353262 only and eyeball on branch: 146.
Left-hand table are using the formula that gives me 7918.  However, if you look at the right hand-side table, the rank() do flag correctly for the highest top 3 month's sale and they should sum up to 11103.



If I add another filter at a specific branch, the formula do give me the right number~




Any thought? 
Tried:  sum(aggr(sum({<[Calendar Date] = {"=Rank(sum({<[Rolling 12 Months Flag]={1}>}[Financial Quantity Sold]),4)<4"}>} [Financial Quantity Sold]),[Branch ID]))
return me the same result.

