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Contributor III
Contributor III

Generic Load from QVD

I need Your help, Guys. I tried to use Generic Load to reversal my table with Attributes. Unfortunately, it's about 80 000 000 records, and system  memory is full. I want to store every table to QVD in Generic Load, and then join every table from qvd, not from memory. My script looks now like that:

Generic LOAD
Resident Attributes_tmp;

Set vListOfTables = ;
For vTableNo = 0 to NoOfTables()
Let vTableName = TableName($(vTableNo)) ;
If Subfield(vTableName,'.',1)='Attributes' Then
Let vListOfTables = vListOfTables & If(Len(vListOfTables)>0,',') & Chr(39) & vTableName & Chr(39) ;
End If
Next vTableNo

Load distinct %OrderBookingKey Resident Attributes_tmp;

Drop Table Attributes_tmp;

For each vTableName in $(vListOfTables)
Left Join (CombinedGenericTable) Load * Resident [$(vTableName)];
Drop Table [$(vTableName)];
Next vTableName

Store CombinedGenericTable into [lib://Transformed (win-f2om7p4maoo_followup)/Attributes_transformed.qvd] (qvd);

I think I should store the "little tables" to QVD before creating CombinedGenericTable, but I don't know how can I load all of them to my Generic table.

Thanks in advance for Your help!

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14 Replies
Contributor III
Contributor III

More "classical" model is ok, but I can't use it here, because for the one line i get many rows, it is very important to me to have everything in the same row. For the 10 attributes i get 10 lines.

Main and sub-groups are ok, I'll try it. Can i use it "keep" table for it? So, for example, I'll create at the beggining 3 sub-groups. For example, it will be BookingAttributes, DocumentAttributes, OrderAttributes, every table joined just like it's been until now, but to the 3 different tables. At the end of my script I'll try to keep this tables. What do You think? Isn't it the same?


Where is the problem with the multiple records for an ID - which calculation / view didn't work or isn't possible?

- Marcus

Contributor III
Contributor III

The problem is many if's. If I want show others attributes in one row and different columns i have to use if.
I have about 150 AttributeTypes and I need to show every of them. So I can't do it just like that:

OrderId AttributeId Value

1, 1, 1

1, 2, 2


I need it in one line, just like that:

OrderId, AttributeId =1, AttributeId =2

1, Value, Value.

In the second case i need to write in every column if(AttributeId =1, Value), If (AttributeId =2, Value).
It is very slow...


You could just use a pivot-chart and used the attributes as horizontally dimension to get all of them within a single row without an if-loop.

- Marcus

Contributor III
Contributor III

It is not possible in my case. I need to show my data in specific way. But i "clear" a little my data, i had duplicate in AttributeId, it was the reason in my opinion.
Thanks for all Your tips.
Best Regards,