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Grouping of column in a table in Qliksense

Hi All,

I'm looking to group some columns into one section, the other columns into a different section in a straight table in Qliksense online version Apr 2020. The below is my data.

Products is the dimension and the rest of the columns are derived by using calculations.

Products Total Orders Total Ordered Qty Total Sales Total Profit Total Customers Avg. Age of Customers
Shoes 10 15 10000 2000 6 35
Clothes 40 100 15000 3000 23 33
Bags 15 15 9000 1800 15 28
Hat 8 14 4000 1000 6 26
Belts 10 15 7500 950 8 40
Totals 83 159 45500 8750 58 162


Now, I want to group the columns as shown below.

1. Total Orders and Total Ordered Qty under Orders Details

2. Total Sales and Total Profit under Revenue Details

3. Total Customers and Avg. Age of Customers under Customer Details

  Orders Details Revenue Details Customer Details
Products Total Orders Total Ordered Qty Total Sales Total Profit Total Customers Avg. Age of Customers
Shoes 10 15 10000 2000 6 35
Clothes 40 100 15000 3000 23 33
Bags 15 15 9000 1800 15 28
Hat 8 14 4000 1000 6 26
Belts 10 15 7500 950 8 40
Totals 83 159 45500 8750 58 162


Please guide me how to achieve this in the Qliksense online version Apr 2020.

Best Regards

Labels (2)
3 Replies
Partner - Master
Partner - Master


You need to model your data a little bit different because you need another dimension with the totals.

2022-12-24 10_30_36-Window.png

Try to see if you can model it this way:

Load * Inline [
Products	,	Qty	,	Type	,	TotalType
Shoes	,	10	,	Total Orders	,	Order Details
Shoes	,	15	,	Total Ordered Qty	,	Order Details
Shoes	,	10000	,	Total Sales	,	Revenu Details
Shoes	,	2000	,	Total Profit	,	Revenu Details
Shoes	,	6	,	Total Customers	,	Customer Details
Shoes	,	35	,	Avg. Age of Customers	,	Customer Details
Clothes	,	40	,	Total Orders	,	Order Details
Clothes	,	100	,	Total Ordered Qty	,	Order Details
Clothes	,	15000	,	Total Sales	,	Revenu Details
Clothes	,	3000	,	Total Profit	,	Revenu Details
Clothes	,	23	,	Total Customers	,	Customer Details
Clothes	,	33	,	Avg. Age of Customers	,	Customer Details
Bags	,	15	,	Total Orders	,	Order Details
Bags	,	15	,	Total Ordered Qty	,	Order Details
Bags	,	9000	,	Total Sales	,	Revenu Details
Bags	,	1800	,	Total Profit	,	Revenu Details
Bags	,	15	,	Total Customers	,	Customer Details
Bags	,	28	,	Avg. Age of Customers	,	Customer Details
Hat	,	8	,	Total Orders	,	Order Details
Hat	,	14	,	Total Ordered Qty	,	Order Details
Hat	,	4000	,	Total Sales	,	Revenu Details
Hat	,	1000	,	Total Profit	,	Revenu Details
Hat	,	6	,	Total Customers	,	Customer Details
Hat	,	26	,	Avg. Age of Customers	,	Customer Details
Belts	,	10	,	Total Orders	,	Order Details
Belts	,	15	,	Total Ordered Qty	,	Order Details
Belts	,	7500	,	Total Sales	,	Revenu Details
Belts	,	950	,	Total Profit	,	Revenu Details
Belts	,	8	,	Total Customers	,	Customer Details
Belts	,	40	,	Avg. Age of Customers	,	Customer Details



 I've also attached the app for you, so you can check it your self.



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Thanks for replying and the solution suggested by you only works for small dataset like the sample I mentioned in this question. I'm talking this case for about millions of records where the grouping cannot be hardcoded in the load editor for each record. Considering the measures derived in the chart, please suggest a different approach for this requirement.


Appreciate your time and effort.




Best regards


Partner - Master
Partner - Master

Hi Sharan,

I would need to know how you data structure looks to give a good advice. Could you share an example?



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