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In QlikView I imported a table with 3 columns: Name, PeriodID, Hours.
I want a pivot with Name and sum of hours for PeriodID equal to the previous PeriodID of the selected period.
For example I select PeriodID 114 and I want to have the sum of hours for Period 113 (114-1).
I thought to know how to do it... I'm pretty sure that I could previously but now I'm going crazy. Please help...
Thanks in advance.
Sorry i cant open you file. could you please put the code heree.
We do this quite often when looking at current year vs previous year.
If you try this it should work:
Sum ({$<PeriodID={'$(=[PeriodID]-1)'} > }[Hours])
usually in tables we wrap it in a Aggr:
Sum(Aggr(only({$<PeriodID={'=$(vPeriod)}'>}Hours), PeriodID)) where vPeriod = PeriodID - 1 or
Sum(Aggr(Sum({$<PeriodID={$(=PeriodID - 1)}>} [Hours]),PeriodID)). if that doesnt work, you could do somehting like below:
load *, PeriodID - 1 as PreviousPeriodID;
load * inline [
Name, PeriodID, Hours
Qualify *;
Load * resident data;
UnQualify *;
Left Join (data)
PeriodID as PreviousPeriodID,
[Hours] as PreviousHours
Resident data;
It works in the sample I posted, but it doesn't work in my app, a little bit complex 😞
@mike_spada You can use below measure to get previous period value in pivot table. Assuming your period field is numeric.
if your period is not numeric, try below