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Contributor II
Contributor II

How do I connect to another table with multiple delimited values in the same column?

Hey guys,


I am facing an issue that I would like to connect customer data to a transaction table. Within the transaction table, everything is given as expected. However, the customer data are not unambiguous. More specifically, I find multiple CustomerIDs in the same cell per customer. The customer IDs are delimited mostly by "/" (sometimes even ";"). During the years, some customers got new IDs. Within the transaction table, any Customer ID could be given.


Customer data:

Customer ID Customer Name
A123 A-Corp
B456 / B789 B-Company
C123 / C456 / C789 C-Limited
D987 ; D654 D-Group


Transaction data:

OrderID CustomerID InvoiceAmount
100078 A123 100
100079 B456 200
100080 B789 50
100081 D654 300


In this example, customer "B-Company" has two possible customer IDs (given in the customer table) which both appear in the transaction table. I would like to match both transaction lines to "B-Company" to show an aggregated sum.

How could I link the customer data to the transaction data?


Thanks in advance and best


1 Reply
Specialist II
Specialist II


Maybe try something like this;

	Trim(SubField([Customer ID], ';')) as [Customer ID],
	[Customer Name]
	Trim(SubField([Customer ID], '/')) as [Customer ID],
	[Customer Name]
load * inline [
Customer ID,	Customer Name
A123, A-Corp
B456 / B789, B-Company
C123 / C456 / C789, C-Limited
D987 ; D654, D-Group

