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Hi there,
I want to compare data from two different Alternate States. I've created two distinct filter panes using a date-formatted field: one for the "Snap Date 1" (or Date 1) state, and another for the "Snap Date 2" (or Date 2) state.
The requirement is that Date 1 must always be the more recent date among the two, while Date 2 must be earlier.
What I'm looking for is this: once the user selects Date 1, the available options for Date 2 should only include dates earlier than the selected Date 1.
Note: Date 1 and Date 2 are alternate dimensions from the same field.
How can I achieve this?
I tried Only() function but then the measure is not working with the filter pane.
Thank you
I hope below output you are expecting,
if yes,
Load Date,Num(Date) as DateNum inline [
Use this expression in Date 2 filter,
Date 1 Filter:
Dimension : Date & Alternate State: Date 1
Date 2 Filter:
Dimension: =Aggr(Max({<DateNum={"< $(=Max({[Date 1]}DateNum))"}>}Date),Date)
Alternate State: Date 2
I hope below output you are expecting,
if yes,
Load Date,Num(Date) as DateNum inline [
Use this expression in Date 2 filter,
Date 1 Filter:
Dimension : Date & Alternate State: Date 1
Date 2 Filter:
Dimension: =Aggr(Max({<DateNum={"< $(=Max({[Date 1]}DateNum))"}>}Date),Date)
Alternate State: Date 2
Thank you, it's a cool solution, but I must ask you: how it works??
It's not clear to me what is the aggregate function doing, and why ew got all the data below the selection. Honestly I'm expecting a single date from this formula... I am missing something...
the part "Max({<DateNum={"< $(=Max({[Date 1]}DateNum))"}>}Date),Date)" is clear tho
Thank you
Aggr() returns an array of values for the expression calculated over the stated dimension or dimensions.
Expecting single date means?