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How to add different calculations for different values in a particular column.

Hello Everyone, 

I am bandari, i have just started working with qliksense. i am currently working and i am stuck somewhere and i am not finding any answer for it. 

I have 13 columns like P01,P02..P12, and KPI column. for example:

CP03 P06P09P12


Now i will have to calculate values for every quater(q1,q2,q3,q4) depending on each Kpi value(i.e., if its 'A' then i have  just give the sum of P03 for q2, If its 'B' then it should be sum(P01+P02+P03) for q1 likewise i have to calculate P06 for q2 and sometimes P01+P02+P03 for q2). i have importe the script . but now i dont know how to proceed furthure. Please help me do this. I have a deadline by this saturday.  Please give sample querys if possible. 

Thank you so muh for your time .

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1 Reply

Hello , I have tired doing it with range sum function but it is just letting me to give one expression for one variable. is it possible to give two expressions for one variable and calculating according to the other column values in qliksense.