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How to create Rates for the whole population when you have a filter data for the One location

We have several locations. I have put a MATCH on location ID to get the Products ID, Description etc for one location. When calculating Rates on Products count I need to take accounts of all locations. one way to achieve is to remove the filter on location and run the script for all location. For charts there is no problem since I can do set analysis on it. But I need product details for only one location. On list box I cannot able to do Set analysis for one location. Any thought on this

3 Replies
Specialist II
Specialist II

Sum(Rate)/Sum(TOTAL <Location> Rate)


Tried the same analysis in the first place before posting but it does not work since there are already other data which has been loaded by one location ID. I may have to work around the script to get the rates

Specialist II
Specialist II

Please post example data and expected values as it is not clear what the issue is.