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Dear QS Experts
I am new to Qlik Sense and I have question regarding to date in Qlik Sense Desktop
In my raw data there is a column named 'POD Date' stores data like '2017/7/20' , '2017/4/3', '2017/6/8' etc
I want to create a dimension in master item to define these date into relative Month/Quarter/Fiscal Year
For month I can use expression like =num (Month([POD Date])) to get the result I want (7,4,6)
How to acheive the same goal for Quarter (i.e Q1,Q2) / Fiscal Year (i.e 1718)?
PS: I want to solve this problem in front end instead of writing script from back end
Thank you for your advise in advance
I usually use quartername. This gives Jan-Mar 2017 etc. Its a dual so is sortable by number. But other options are quarter end or start date
Fiscal Year I always do in script. In fact all calendars I do in script. And if you use data manager its done automatically using derived fields
Refer a good explanation on this
One recent example I did. Just replace DateCanonn and CallInDate with POD Date
Set vFM = 10 ; // year Oct to Sept First month of fiscal year
Calendar: //inc fiscal years
//level 5
Dual(fYear-1 &'/'& fYear, fYear) as YearFin, // Dual fiscal year
Dual(Month, fMonth) as MonthFin, // Dual fiscal month for sorting
//level 4
Year + If(Month>=$(vFM), 1, 0) as fYear, // Numeric fiscal year
Mod(Month-$(vFM), 12)+1 as fMonth, // Numeric fiscal month
//level 3
DateCanon ,
Month(DateCanon) as Month,
Year(DateCanon) as Year,
Day (DateCanon) as Day,
weekday (DateCanon) as DayMonEtc,
weekend (DateCanon,0,-2) as WeekEnding ,
Week (DateCanon) AS WeekNum,
Monthstart (DateCanon) as MthYear ;
//level 2
Load Date (MinDate+iterno()) as DateCanon While iterno() <= MaxDate - MinDate ;
//level 1
Load Min(CallInDate)-1 as MinDate, Max(CallInDate)+30 as MaxDate Resident SCCall ;
Thank you for the feedback
As I am a front end user thus it is a little bit difficult for me to read below material
Should I add the script in into below button or in Data Load Editior?
There are several datas in my raw data (order date/ship date/ POD date etc) and I need POD date for reference to show fiscal year and quarter in sheet 1 and Ship date in sheet 2. Which date in below script example should I replace with ship date/POD date?
On the other hand, how should we work quarter out?
It will be highly appreciated if you could share me a test apps for reference
Try this
Put all this script in at the end using data load editor
This will create a master calendar for every day from a minimum starting date to an end date
And link it to POD Date
let me know if it works or not
Set vFM = 10 ; // year Oct to Sept First month of fiscal year set as appropriate >> required level 4
//level 5 reads in level 4 then drops these level 4 fields
Calendar: //inc fiscal years
Dual(fYear-1 &'/'& fYear, fYear) as YearFin, // Dual fiscal year
Dual(Month, fMonth) as MonthFin, // Dual fiscal month for sorting
* // Picks up fields in level 4
//level 4 reads in level 3 then drops these level 3 fields
Year + If(Month>=$(vFM), 1, 0) as fYear, // Numeric fiscal year
Mod(Month-$(vFM), 12)+1 as fMonth, // Numeric fiscal month
* // picks up fields in level 3
//level 3 reads in level 2 then drops these level 2 fields
[POD Date], ///LINK field
Year([POD Date]) as Year,
Day ([POD Date]) as Day,
Week ([POD Date]) AS WeekNum, //if required
Monthstart ([POD Date]) as MthYear ; //if required
//level 2 reads in level 1 then drops these level 1 fields
Load Date (MinDate+iterno()) as [POD Date] While iterno() <= MaxDate - MinDate
//level 1 //start of load .. must link to another table
Load Min([POD Date])-1 as MinDate,
Max([POD Date])+30 as MaxDate //change days (30) as required
Resident >>>your table Name ; // link to the appropriate table that contains POD date