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How to get Top N customers with other

Hi ,

I have searched this forum but can not find the solution for Top N Customers with total for others also.

I have created the straight table which shows Top Revenue Customers for different states( two dimension Customer and State). Even I have created variable for top customer so user enter any number and he gets result, below is expression:

Total Sales:

Num(Sum(Aggr(if(rank(sum([Cust Sales Rev]))<=$(vTop_Cust),Sum([Cust Sales Rev])), [Cust Name])),'#,##0;(#,##0)')

CA State Sales:

Num(Sum(Aggr(if(rank(sum([Cust Sales Rev]))<=$(vTop_Cust),Sum({<[Cust State] = {'CA'}>}[Cust Sales Rev])), [Cust Name])),'#,##0;(#,##0)')

NY State Sales:

Num(Sum(Aggr(if(rank(sum([Cust Sales Rev]))<=$(vTop_Cust),Sum({<[Cust State] = {'NY'}>}[Cust Sales Rev])), [Cust Name])),'#,##0;(#,##0)')

and more 6 states:

For Eg if user selected top 5 , I get o/p as shown

Cust Name     Total Sales Rev CA Sales Rev  NY Sales Rev

Totals               9000                   4000                     5000

A                         2000                  1000                     1000

B                         1000                  200                        800

C                        1000                  800                        200

D                        3000                 1500                       1500

E                        2000                 500                         1500

but user wants to show remaining other totals also

Other               10000                 3000                             7000

How to achieve last piece Total for OTHER remaining customers using set expression.

I tried also different way but in that I am getting complete column total and others total but not TOP N total.


Any help is appreciated.











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11 Replies

Hi Kush,

Please let me know how I can get totals for top customers only using set analysis, this is different request.


Best Regards,


Creator II
Creator II

Hi @Kushal_Chawda  how to show others at the bottom? it is showing highest revenue at top as expected. but i want to show others at bottom. Could you please help me here?