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How to show a row is missing in a table based on date?

Hi all,

There's a table I'm working on that has a date dimension set for the last 30 days. Data for this table is uploaded from a BI Warehouse and so changes everyday.

Other columns in the table are simply categories for company products and the data is revenue generated from each product for the last 30 days. I would like to introduce a feature on my app that lets us know if a date from the table is missing for the days specified. For example, the dates on the table could be; 25-08-2021, 26-08-2021, 28-08-2021 then this means the entire row of data for the dates 27th and 29th are missing for whatever reason.

DateProduct AProduct BProduct C
26-08-2021xxxxxx xxx


Here is the problem. This can sometimes happen and we need to know which rows are missing so as to fix things in the backend. How can I show which rows are missing based on date?

2 Replies

Load Date, ProductA, ProductB, ProductC

From YourTable;


//Get the last 30 days (including today, can be adjusted mathematically as required)

Load date(Today()-30+rowno()) as MissingDateCheck


// Keep only the dates which are missing from the original table

Load MissingDateCheck as MissingDate Resident Temp
WHERE Not exists(Date,MissingDateCheck);

// Drop the Temp table which is no longer necessary

Drop Table Temp;



Have you considered adding a master calendar to your data model.  If you create a master calendar containing the 30 days you would be able to identify missing dates in your data series by making a selection and examining the green, white and grey status of the date dimension field.