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Contributor III
Contributor III

Invalid expression help

I keep getting the invalid expression error when I try to load. I feel like I tried everything like removing single quotes, date function, num function, etc. Can anyone help solve what I'm doing wrong?

IF(num(month(date([DischargeDate])))=1,monthstart(date([DischargeDate]))) AS Min_DC_Date

Labels (3)
6 Replies

Are you sure the error comes from this statement? Is there any aggregation included in the load?

Specialist III
Specialist III

Hi @snancyiv , you can try adding # to dates, but you have to make sure your field is a valid date


IF(num(month(date#([DischargeDate])))=1,monthstart(date#([DischargeDate]))) AS Min_DC_Date


Contributor III
Contributor III

Yes, the error specifically highlights it. And no other aggregation. If this helps, I’m loading directly from a flat file and this expression is being added as another field in that load statement. 

Contributor III
Contributor III

It’s a valid date. I have another expression in that same load statement for the max and it works (which is pulling the most recent date of the flat file I’m loading because I need it for YTD calcs later). For this expression I need to pull the start of the fiscal year which is July 1 depending on what the discharge date is for each record. 

Specialist III
Specialist III

are you using group by after the from statement? in that case, every expression has to be in an aggregation, example :

only(IF(num(month(date([DischargeDate])))=1,monthstart(date([DischargeDate])))) AS Min_DC_Date

Contributor III
Contributor III

No Group By. Here's my load statement. Are you saying I need to add group by?

MONTHEND(ADDMONTHS(MAX(DATE([DischargeDate],'DD/MM/YYYY')),-1)) as Max_DC_Date, 
IF(num(month(date([DischargeDate])))=1,monthstart(date([DischargeDate]))) AS Min_DC_Date //FISCAL START DATE OF MAX_DC_DATE
FROM [lib://QLIK Data Input/Quality/Vizient/Readms_PSH_ALL_RECORDS]
(txt, codepage is 28591, embedded labels, delimiter is '|', msq, header is 1 lines)