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I want to load an employees presence table with all the dates somebody was present or not based on tasks he or she was assigned to. I have a separate table which has all the tasks and their start and end date.
I know Intervalmatch should do some trick for me in this but I do not succeed in thinking how I should get this.
and actually, it's a 2-step rocket: first, an employee is present or not for a range of dates based on the tasks the employee is assigned to. But secondly, it's possible for many reasons an employee is present although assigned for a tasks (e.g. illness, holiday, education etc.). These dates are also recorded in a separate table.
How should I do this?
Below is (a port of) the model I have now:
the activities(tasks) are recorded in the table 'ACTIVITEITEN'.
(activity id, activity start date, activity end date).
'MDW_AANWEZIGHEID' now contains a employee/datekey (employeeID & date (yyyy-mm-dd).
That key checks in the AFWEZIGHEID table for a match for the employee/date key.
and MDW_ACTIVITEITEN contains the employee_ID and the tasks(activity_ID) he or she is assigned to.
From this, I should be able to get alle the dates he/she normally would be present am I?
CAL_Date in the table MasterCalendar contains all the dates matching with the ranges in the table 'ACTIVITEITEN'.
You can create a column called Workday intially based on set of tasks. It will be 1 if its working day else 0. Based on this you can do the calucations, it will give desired results. Even in interval match also you can use this.