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Hi, I choose advanced search and write this, =CB_DATE >= Max(Num(CB_DATE))-7 why doesn't it work?
Ok, I can see you can have the option of Advanced Search with your version.
And I've searched in the help page and can see that option available:
What is the field you're using? Can you please share a screenshot?
Create the variable inside the Qlik Sense app not in the NPrinting Web Console.
I can't take a screenshot, this filter works well
=CB_DATE => Date#('08.08.2020', 'MM.DD.YYYY') and CB_DATE <= Date#('10.08.2020', 'MM.DD.YYYY')
value = advanced search
I think I know whats happening, you're comparing a number value to a date value. This can be done by changing the expression:
=CB_DATE >= Date(Max(Num(CB_DATE))-7, 'MM.DD.YYYY')
The previous filter can work because CB_DATE is in the format of a Date.
Try the change please.
Kind regards,
runs without an error, but the filter is not applied
Please create a variable in Qlik Sense app with the expression:
=Date(Max(Num(CB_DATE))-7, 'MM.DD.YYYY')
Then put that variable in a text box like this:
Does it gives any value? If it gives the value that you need, proceed to put a filter pane object with the field CB_DATE, does the value of the text box is on the same format as the values of the field? If yes, proceed to do reload the metadata on the connection at the Web Console in NPrinting and then change the expression in Advanced Search filter to this:
=CB_DATE >= $(vLast7Days)
Let me know the results
=CB_DATE >= Num(Date(Aggr(Max(TOTAL CB_DATE ),CB_DATE ),'DD.MMYYYY')-7) --Working version!!!
Congrats! If any solution given by me worked, please close the case by selecting the right answer for your problem.
Hope a good day for you.
Best regards,