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Need Help in creating a column for emp status ( Joiner, leaver, nochage)

i have a below data file from the 2018-12 where the status field should show as

Joiner if emp id is not present in previous month. 

no change if emp is present in previous month and current month

leaver - if employee is not present in current month.


i am able to get the joiner and no change using the below logic

IF("employeeID" = Peek("Employee ID") , 'NO CHANGE',IF("Employee ID" <> Peek("Employee ID"),'JOINER', 'NA')) AS STATUS

but unable to get the leaver status.

Month, empid, ename

2017 - 01, 11, abc 

2018 - 02, 11, abc

2018 -03, 11, abc

2018 - 04, 11, abc

2018 -06, 22, xyz

2018 - 07, 22, xyz

2018 -08, 22, xyz

2018 -09, 22 , xyz

2018 -11, 22, xyz

2018 -12, 22, xyz

output should be:

Month, empid, ename, status

2017 - 01, 11, abc , joiner

2018 - 02, 11, abc, nochange

2018 -03, 11, abc, nochange

2018 - 04, 11, abc, leaver

2018 -06, 22, xyz, joiner

2018 - 07, 22, xyz, no change

2018 -08, 22, xyz, nochange

2018 -09, 22 , xyz, leaver

2018 -11, 22, xyz, joiner

2018 -12, 22, xyz, nochange.

if i use above logic :  for 2018 - 04, 11, abc record i am getting data as nochange.  But i need to get the status as leaver. As the data file is from 2018-12 month.

Can some one suggest a solution to this.

Thanks in Advance.

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