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1) get the distinct count of sk where type= AG
2) get the distinct count of sk where type= AGH
3) get the sk which are in step 1 not in step 2
4) calculate distinct count of sk from step 3.
Please provide me the solution how to achieve this using set expression.
Hi @AK9934,
Could you please elaborate on your data structure?
Are the types in step 1 and step 2 in the different fields or can one sk have multiple types?
Hi @lennart_mo,
fact table contains Type and sk Columns.
Type is a column have only 2 values AG and AGH.
one sk may have both AG and AGH values.
I need to count of district of sk values which are common in both.
@AK9934 try below expression\
Count({<SK=p({1<Type={'AGH'}>})*p({1<Type={'AG'}>})>}distinct SK)
Not working the above expression.
@AK9934 This should work. Make sure that you are using actual field name in your expression. If it still doesn't work, please share a sample data with expected output
For example if we take these 2 values in Excel like Column A has AG values and Column B has AGH Values, if we apply vlookup as vlookup(B2, A2:A77,1,0) then getting some are matches and other as N/A in Excel and if we filter N/A in the lookup column then what are the values showing under column A I need in qliksense.
Can anyone please help?
Hi @AK9934,
I have attached the sample data in snippet that I have used to validate your requirement.
Here is the formula I have used, hope it works for you.
In your case, you can use: