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hi all,
I want to display null count in one bar and without null count in other bar
how can I achieve this?
can any one help on this?
attached sample qvf ,sheet1 [Req tab]
Null in which field? How many expected null values in that field?
I am not using dimension.
what ever the field if I want to show
how can I achieve this? what are the steps to achieve?
There is a function called NullCount() that you can use. However, this function only counts real nulls and no values like blanks/spaces/invisible characters that might appear as nulls. To consider those values you might try expression like:
=Count( If( len(Trim(Field))=0, Field))
To count without nulls try like:
=Count({<Field={'*'}>} Field) // Excludes proper nulls only
=Count( If( len(Trim(Field))>0, Field)) // Excludes even null-like values
you can try like this. but i dont see any null value in "SF_ACCOUNT_ID" field. check your side
Null Bar
Count(distinct {$<SF_ACCOUNT_ID={"=(Len(SF_ACCOUNT_ID)<=0)"}>} SF_ACCOUNT_ID)
Non null bar
Count(distinct {$<SF_ACCOUNT_ID={"=Len(SF_ACCOUNT_ID) >0"}>} SF_ACCOUNT_ID)
Hi Sony,
You can follow Tresesco B Method .
but in your data filed SF_AccountID no null values are available (-999 value do you want to consider as Null)
if I have null values in data ,,it will work?
which u have attached formulae?
Yeah, if you have null value then the given expression should work. tks