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Prevent lines from merging in table

Hi community!

QS is merging some lines for me in a table but I'd like to keep them separate. I'll try to illustrate my intention:


Within the blue area: InitiativeID - project number

Red area: Organization number

Green area: Cost/Saving/Investment

Pink area: Value's for January 2021

While cost (C) is shown separately in the table (green area), the system combined both savings (S). I'd like to retain the different organization numbers (red area), so it would show up like in the source Excel file. How should I approach this?

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11 Replies
Specialist II
Specialist II

Hi @TimmyCNHi ,


I sent you an app via message 3 weeks ago in response to the message you sent me.  Please check in your mailbox.


Hi again and sorry about that; must've missed it 🙂

I actually found the culprit thanks to your input! I had added the 'Organization' parameter as a Measure (expression) but adding it as a Dimension (field) presented the desired result. I found it by comparing the table you created (showing 3 values) compared to the one I had (showing 2 values). I don't fully understand why Qlik interprets this differently as the syntax is the same in both cases:

=If(IsNull(Organization),' ',Right(Organization,3))


Anyway, I'm really glad it's working now. Thanks again!