I am new use to Qlik Sense online. I make my fisrt app where i connect to a mysql database i already have. I can make the connection with success and see all database tables.
My problem is that I can't see correct the greek characters. My database has Character Set: UTF-8 (utf8 unicode) and Collation: utf8_unicode_ci
The database tables have Collation: latin1_sweedish_ci
When I load data I can't see correct the greek characters. Instead of "ΑΙΤΩΛΟΑΚΑΡΝΑΝΙΑ" I see "ÁÉÔÙËÏÁÊÁÑÍÁÍÉÁÓ".
The same database and tables QlikView version 9.0 I already use displays them correctly with the use of mysql connector for windows.
Can I somehow chage collation in connection or in Data Load Editor?
Thanks in advanced