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Promo ID No = 2592
Promo Start Date = 17/01/2019
Sale Units as a measure.
Using set analysis, how do i get the sales units for the following:
1. 1 week before promo start date
2. 2 weeks before promo start date
3. promo start week
4. 1 week after promo start week
5. 2 weeks after promo start week
6. 3 weeks after promo start week
Use the addweeks function
1) sum({<StartDate={"$(=addweeks(max(StartDate),-1)})">}Sales)
sum({<[Promo Start Date]={"$(=addweeks(max([Promo Start Date]),-1))"}>}[Sale Units])
expression returns 0 value
can u please create a table:
as dimension :
Promo Start Date
as measures:
and the expression u've just shared and attach the outcome image?