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Hi Qlikers!
I'm wondering if anybody knows a way of printing or exporting to pdf using the colours in themes.
I've been able to see the highvis theme colours adding /theme/highvis to the end of the url, but when I do export to PDF, the colours used are the default ones.
I'm on QlikSense server 2.3.
Thanks in advance for any advice on this.
Try with latest version of Qliksense which allows different themes. SO it might allow to export it to pdf with themes.
for exporting PDF which extension you are using ? or do you export from story board ?
Currently it dosent support theme in PDFs in both extension and Story board
Thanks for the quick reply!
I'm not using any extension, just exporting directly with the Qlik Menu's option 'Export Sheet to PDF'.
So not even the latest version of QlikSense supports themes in PDF?
Thanks Shraddha!
We currently don't have in the roadmap update QlikSense server version, and not sure if the latest version supports it.
Not in PDF export
Any news on this? As I can currently test only with Qlik Sense 3.0.2, I'd like to know if there are changes in current releases (found no hints in the release notes for 3.0.3, 3.0.4, 3.1.3, 3.1.4).
BTW - this behaviour not only applies to the "export to pdf", but also to the "export as an image" function.