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Contributor II
Contributor II

Recursive calculation of a sum based on the values of the strings

Hi, everyone, hope you're well!


I have a dataset with the variables nome_emissor, flag_controle, qtd_cartoes and faturamento. I need to calculate a specific sum according to the values in nome_emissor. I'll try to describe it.

I have to sum the qtd_cartoes when flag_controle = 0 and a given value in nome_emissor, and divide it for the sum of qtd_cartoes, when flag_controle = 0. Afterwards, I have to sum the above ratio for all different values in nome_emissor.

Or, if you prefer, it could be sth like it: 


sum(<flag_controle={0},nome_emissor={'A'}> qtd_cartoes)/ sum(<flag_controle={0}> qtd_cartoes)

) for all 'A'


Thanks in advance.

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1 Reply

Perhaps this

sum({<nome_emissor={'A*'}>} Aggr((sum(<flag_controle={0},nome_emissor={'A'}> qtd_cartoes)/ sum(<flag_controle={0}> qtd_cartoes)), Dim1, Dim2))

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