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Set Analysis with Variables

Hello all,

I have a table for transaction in Qlik with the following fields (simplified):


[Order Date]


here are the variables in load script:

SET minDate_1 = date(min([order date])-1);

SET l90d=date(min([order date])-90);

SET l180d=date(min([order date])-180);

Set l270d=date(min([order date])-270);

Set l365d=date(min([order date])-365);

I have a straight table with just one dimension: monthName([Order Date]),

and I am trying to measure, for example the # of customers, who have ordered within 90 days, within 180 days...

for example:

Jan 2016

Feb 2016

Mar 2016

I would like to know, for customers who purhcased in Jan 2016, how many had purchased 90 days before Jan 2016 (roughly Sep2015~Dec2015), and then 180days and so forth.

Any ideas? 

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