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Sheet Navigation with Specific Chart (Auto Hide and Show)

Hello World,

FYI I've attached sample application to test.

If you notice 2 sheets, there is one called Dashboard one more for Admin Page which should filter from there

So, If From Admin sheet once we hit Country (Either 1/2/3/4) which should navigate to First sheet and it will get suitable needed.

Use case - If Country1 select from Country Filter The dashboard should visible only Country1 Which means Remain all should be hide. Till here we are in good. The big challenge here is if we select Country3 from Admin page it should place in Country1 that means (Auto Place order in first place). So, that it should navigate to each like versa.

Note - There is Submit and Clear button in Admin sheet. This all effects only works when Button Clicked (that means dynamic)

Free to ask in case, Anything needed from my end. So, far My company Certify these extensions.

1) Sheet Navigation - Qlik Branch

2) Show Hide Container - Qlik Branch



Best Anil, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful
28 Replies

Done as request. There is file name called Sample_v2 May be download that which i can see the same visualization (2 viz's). Still same issue?

Finally, I am happy to take if you can drag based on that (Spare time)

Best Anil, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful
Not applicable

Wow !!  On Sample_v2 I can now see the two viz's calling swr-sense-navigation.js

I can't see FEI-ShowHide.js being called anywhere, is that what you would expect ?


Great, Somewhat you Visible those.

Did you got my Question? Or you want to refrain the same in detail?

Best Anil, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful
Not applicable

Do you mean :

Have just one ShowHide Container viz and on :

  • Select Country1          Show only Country1 viz
  • Select Country2          Show only Country2 viz
  • Select Country3          Show only Country3 viz
  • Select Country4          Show only Country4 viz

Or do you mean have 4 ShowHide Container viz's and always put the selected country in the left hand viz and the other 3 Countries in the other 3 viz's


First Approach is what i am thinking now. But, If you select Country3 from selection it should show only Country3 and remain should be hide because we select Country3. And, It should place in first diagram (Auto - Resize where Sense don't have future). Even, that is fine as we don't have that future.

I am going to sleep now, Will catch you next login. May be ask still need any information now. I may wait next 15 minutes for you to solve the thread ..

Best Anil, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful
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See attached qvf.

First option is the single viz bottom right

Second option is the 4 viz's along the top.

Bottom left I have put a List Box and a Text Box of only(Country) that I used for testing.

Note:  If you select no countries or more than 1 country it will display Bill Default in all 5 viz's


As i stated initial, Till here i am in good stage. The red part is what i am trying? Can we place same Country3 over Country1 like Qlikview?

Use case - If Country1 select from Country Filter The dashboard should visible only Country1 Which means Remain all should be hide. Till here we are in good. The big challenge here is if we select Country3 from Admin page it should place in Country1 that means (Auto Place order in first place). So, that it should navigate to each like versa.


One more Drawback, I noticed here is If i select 2 Countries at a time it should show 2 countries Viz's (Make sense?)

Best Anil, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful
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I am confused as to what is meant by the red text.  Could you clarify.


Sure, IF you look my reports there is 4 viz's which should auto place.

Use case - If Country1 select then Country1 viz will effect for sure, But in sense, If we select Country3 then 1,2 and 4 should be hidden and the place where Country1 should replace to Country3. In Qlikview we have overlap future and does not handy with sense. I thought to check before commit to Users for the same

One more Drawback, I noticed here is If i select 2 Countries at a time it should show 2 countries Viz's. But, This is showing only one Viz only (Make sense?) - More insight could be Adhoc Reports where i am thinking after your words.

Best Anil, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful
Not applicable

If I am understanding you correctly then maybe something like the attached qvf.