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I am trying to connect 2 tables - a Calendar and a PH table containing the Public Holiday Dates and Public Holiday Names.
The key that connects the 2 tables is BusinessDate. I used Left Join (MasterCalendar) as I want to retain all dates in the Master Calendar and be able to identify the Public Holiday name if it is a public holiday.
I am loading the distinct records of Public Holiday dates as the originating tables had duplicates in them.
When I load the 2 tables individually, they look perfectly fine. However, when I join them, the Public Holiday name is not coming through.
Can anyone help to see what is wrong with this data load?
Date(TempDate,'DD/MM/YYYY') as BusinessDate
Resident TempCalendar;
Drop Table TempCalendar;
LOAD distinct
Date(PHDate,'DD/MM/YYYY') as BusinessDate,
capitalize (PHName) as PH_Name
FROM [lib://QLIKQVD (qliksense_administrator)/eHR_PH.qvd] (qvd);
left join (MasterCalendar)
Load * resident PH;
Drop table PH;
Thanks. !
Turned out to be as issue with the BusinessDate format in my MasterCalendar that was causing the issue.
Thanks all