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Hi there,
It's very easy to create a Top 10 in a table in QlikSense by using the Fixed Number limitation on the dimension,but now I need to carry the top 10 total through to a KPI.
Does anyone know how I apply a top 10 to set analysis to get my total? Here is my set analysis so far:
Count({1<Date={'>=$(=Date($(vTodaysDate)))'}, OpsFunction={'Drinking Water', 'Waste Water'}, DataSource={'Alarms'}, alarm_status={3} >} AlarmCount)
Thanks for your help!
What all are your dimensions? Is there a single dimension or multiple dimension in your chart where you are showing the top 10?
May be you can try this if there are multiple dimensions:
Sum(Aggr(If(Rank(Count({1<Date={'>=$(=Date($(vTodaysDate)))'}, OpsFunction={'Drinking Water', 'Waste Water'}, DataSource={'Alarms'}, alarm_status={3} >} AlarmCount) < 11, Count({1<Date={'>=$(=Date($(vTodaysDate)))'}, OpsFunction={'Drinking Water', 'Waste Water'}, DataSource={'Alarms'}, alarm_status={3} >} AlarmCount)), ListAllYourDimensionsHereSeparatedByComma))
There’s only one dimension, but it’s a concatenated dimension made up of 4 dimensions, which identify a single alarm:
Process & & Asset &
Would it be possible to combine those 4 in the script: If you can, then the expression won't need Aggr() statement:
Count({1<Date={'>=$(=Date($(vTodaysDate)))'}, OpsFunction={'Drinking Water', 'Waste Water'}, DataSource={'Alarms'}, alarm_status={3},
Key = {"=Rank(Count({1<Date={'>=$(=Date($(vTodaysDate)))'}, OpsFunction = {'Drinking Water', 'Waste Water'}, DataSource={'Alarms'}, alarm_status={3}>} AlarmCount)) < 11"}
>} AlarmCount)
Here Key is the combination of the 4 fields created in the script