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Variable Storing a dimension value changing dynamically not working

Hi team,

I have a one requirement where

i will have a dropdown selctor like (Dynamic Dimention Name)  like Customer, Region, Country

The selected value will be stored into variable vDropdownSelector:

I will have a bar chart where  based on selection in drop down my dimension value will be change

and i have measure as sum(sales) .

1) What is the  best way to implement this in qliksense.

2) I have other requirement where i need to show the same bar chart but only that row if ( sum(margin) >=0)

I tried this but its not working as expected

vDashboardSelector :

if (vDropdownSelector,'Customer', [Customer] ,

if (vDropdownSelector,'Region', [Region],if (vDropdownSelector,'Country',[Country])))

Dimention: $(vDashboardSelecto)


Sum({<"=(vDashboardSelector)" ={"=Sum([margin])>=0"} >}sales)

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