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Contributor III
Contributor III

create measure in script Load

Hello everyone ,

i have 4 measures to calculate in the Loading script : 

pricing , K revenue , B revenue and G revenue , i have the formula for pricing , K revenue , B revenue  and G revenue is pricing - K revenue - B revenue

here is it the script :

sum(distinct((([Value Generation (k$/Tail/Yr)] * $(v_Customer_value_portion)/100 * $(v_Performance)/100 )+
((0.357 *[Value Generation (k$/Tail/Yr)] * $(v_Customer_value_portion)/100+[Platform Fee])))* (1-$(v_Discount)/100)
*(13-month(AddMonths( Contract_Start_Date_real, $(v_NO_EA_Onboarding_phase) + $(v_NO_EA_Trial_period) )) +36)/12
))* count(distinct(MSN)) AS pricing ,

if( Partner ='K',((sum(distinct [Value_by_partner]*[Value Generation (k$/Tail/Yr)]* (13-month(AddMonths( Contract_Start_Date_real, $(v_NO_EA_Onboarding_phase) + $(v_NO_EA_Trial_period) )) +36)/12 )
* $(v_Customer_value_portion)/100 * $(v_Performance)/100 * (1-$(v_Discount)/100))
+ sum(distinct [Value Generation (k$/Tail/Yr)]
*(13-month(AddMonths( Contract_Start_Date_real, $(v_NO_EA_Onboarding_phase) + $(v_NO_EA_Trial_period) )) +36)/12
)* $(v_Customer_value_portion)/100 * $(v_DAL_contribution)/100 * (1-$(v_Discount)/100)))
AS K_revenus,

if(Partner ='B', sum(distinct [Value_by_partner]*[Value Generation (k$/Tail/Yr)])
*$(v_Performance)/100 * (1-$(v_Discount)/100)* $(v_Customer_value_portion)/100)
* (13-month(AddMonths( Contract_Start_Date_real, $(v_NO_EA_Onboarding_phase) + $(v_NO_EA_Trial_period) )) +36)/12
AS B_revenus

then when i add pricing - K revenue - B revenue AS G revenue it doesn't work 

So I created another table to only do the calcul of G revenue but it gives me 0 every time 

Thank you 

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5 Replies
Creator III
Creator III

First of all, are you using the correct group by for the calculation. Second, for getting the exact reason, check if the initial values are there on front end (K revenue and  B revenue) or not, and if the primary key that is the group by field is having values at the granular level or not. 

Trial and error is the key to get unexpected results.
Champion III
Champion III

can you post the entire load script?

Vineeth Pujari
If a post helps to resolve your issue, please accept it as a Solution.
Contributor III
Contributor III

this is the loading script 


unqualify *;
Load Distinct

[Product - Name], ICAO, [AC Type],Conf,MSN,[Customer profile], Partner ,Contract_Start_Date_real,Contract_End_Date,Value_by_partner,[Value Generation (k$/Tail/Yr)], [Platform Fee],
[End Date], [Start Date],
sum(distinct((([Value Generation (k$/Tail/Yr)] * $(v_Customer_value_portion)/100 * $(v_Performance)/100 )+
((0.357 *[Value Generation (k$/Tail/Yr)] * $(v_Customer_value_portion)/100+[Platform Fee])))* (1-$(v_Discount)/100)
*(13-month(AddMonths( Contract_Start_Date_real, $(v_NO_EA_Onboarding_phase) + $(v_NO_EA_Trial_period) )) +36)/12
))* count(distinct(MSN)) AS pricing ,

if( Partner ='k',((sum(distinct [Value_by_partner]*[Value Generation (k$/Tail/Yr)]* (13-month(AddMonths( Contract_Start_Date_real, $(v_NO_EA_Onboarding_phase) + $(v_NO_EA_Trial_period) )) +36)/12 )
* $(v_Customer_value_portion)/100 * $(v_Performance)/100 * (1-$(v_Discount)/100))
+ sum(distinct [Value Generation (k$/Tail/Yr)]
*(13-month(AddMonths( Contract_Start_Date_real, $(v_NO_EA_Onboarding_phase) + $(v_NO_EA_Trial_period) )) +36)/12
)* $(v_Customer_value_portion)/100 * $(v_DAL_contribution)/100 * (1-$(v_Discount)/100)))
AS K_revenus,

if(Partner ='B', sum(distinct [Value_by_partner]*[Value Generation (k$/Tail/Yr)])
*$(v_Performance)/100 * (1-$(v_Discount)/100)* $(v_Customer_value_portion)/100)
* (13-month(AddMonths( Contract_Start_Date_real, $(v_NO_EA_Onboarding_phase) + $(v_NO_EA_Trial_period) )) +36)/12
AS B_revenus

Resident prospection_oi_sales_calc
group by [Product - Name], ICAO, [AC Type],Conf,MSN,[Customer profile], Partner ,Contract_Start_Date_real,
Value_by_partner,[Value Generation (k$/Tail/Yr)], [Platform Fee]
,Contract_End_Date,[End Date], [Start Date]
//AutoNumber(Month(Contract_Start_Date_real) &'|'& year(Contract_Start_Date_real))

/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Calcul G rewards

unqualify *;
Load Distinct
[Product - Name], ICAO, [AC Type],Conf,MSN,[Customer profile], Partner ,Contract_Start_Date_real,Contract_End_Date,Value_by_partner,[Value Generation (k$/Tail/Yr)], [Platform Fee],
[End Date], [Start Date],pricing,B_revenus,K_revenus,
sum( pricing- B_revenus-K_revenus )AS G_revenus

Resident fact_rewards_tmp
group by [Product - Name], ICAO, [AC Type],Conf,MSN,[Customer profile], Partner ,Contract_Start_Date_real,Contract_End_Date,Value_by_partner,[Value Generation (k$/Tail/Yr)], [Platform Fee],
[End Date], [Start Date],pricing,B_revenus,K_revenus

Champion III
Champion III

Are these chart expressions that you are trying to calculate in script?


Break your calculations into parts to verify which block is failing to evaluate , any +-*/ with a null value will result in a null value

unqualify *;

let v_Performance = ?? ; 
let v_Customer_value_portion= ??;
let v_Discount = ?? ;
let v_NO_EA_Onboarding_phase = ?? ;
let v_NO_EA_Trial_period = ?? ;
let v_DAL_contribution = ??;

Load Distinct

[Product - Name]
, [AC Type]
,[Customer profile]
, Partner 
,[Value Generation (k$/Tail/Yr)]
, [Platform Fee]
,[End Date]
, [Start Date]
, ([Value Generation (k$/Tail/Yr)] * $(v_Customer_value_portion)/100 * $(v_Performance)/100 ) as part1 
,(0.357 *[Value Generation (k$/Tail/Yr)] * $(v_Customer_value_portion)/100+[Platform Fee])  as part2
,(1-$(v_Discount)/100) as part3
,(13-month(AddMonths( Contract_Start_Date_real, $(v_NO_EA_Onboarding_phase) + $(v_NO_EA_Trial_period) )) +36)/12 as part4
, count(MSN) AS part5

Resident prospection_oi_sales_calc
group by 
[Product - Name]
, [AC Type]
,[Customer profile]
, Partner 
,[Value Generation (k$/Tail/Yr)]
, [Platform Fee]
,[End Date]
, [Start Date]

Qualify *;

[Product - Name]
, [AC Type]
,[Customer profile]
, Partner 
,[Value Generation (k$/Tail/Yr)]
, [Platform Fee]
,[End Date]
, [Start Date]
,sum((part1+part2)*part3*part4*part5) as pricing
Resident fact_rewards_tmp
group by 
[Product - Name]
, [AC Type]
,[Customer profile]
, Partner 
,[Value Generation (k$/Tail/Yr)]
, [Platform Fee]
,[End Date]
, [Start Date]




Vineeth Pujari
If a post helps to resolve your issue, please accept it as a Solution.
Contributor III
Contributor III

thank you for the answer but this doesn't work