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I apologize in advance if this is the wrong forum to be asking this question. I have some requirements to create a popup form/container so that upon either hovering over a box or clicking a button, a box should show that has the "contact us" information.
Now, I've been gradually learning more and more about creating qlik extensions. I know how to create properties for an extension but that is as far as I've gone so far. I've followed a few tutorials and also the qlik sense help documents pertaining to extensions.
I found a javascript code that is pretty much what I'm looking for - Modal pop up. Now my question is - where do I place this code in my qext file so that qlik knows this is what I want to show. I've tried placing it in the main script (.js file) but no results. If I'm bringing in modules or using javascript, where do import those modules or does qlik know that its javascript if its in the .js file?
I think this can help you
Ajay Kakkar
This is awesome. Pretty much what I was looking for. I was able to make a few changes on your extension so it meets our clients needs. I have been trying to find - in your code - where the title section is. We need to exclude that portion. I was able to get rid of the "close" and "export".
Also, if I wanted to make some aesthetic changes to the button itself, do you mind pointing me in your code on where I can make those adjustments? Thanks so much. This is super helpful, and just seeing how you have your code set up helps me understand how to get the ball rolling with extensions. Also, looking forward to your udemy course.
Thanks. I just commented out this code and kept the "close" button.
//htm += '<button id="Export" class="lui-button lui-dialog__button export"><i class="lui-icon lui-icon--export" style="margin-right: 2px;"></i>Export</button>';
I want to incorporate a code where if user just selects outside the container it will auto close. But that can wait. Another question - I want to change the look & feel of the button itself, but under CSS, I try calling that button but it does not change anything. Do you mind pointing me where I can make these aesthetic changes?
So i have updated the code in GitHub Same Url
download the fresh copy you will have your options
Ajay Kakkar
awesome i'll re-dl. Just purchased your class, cant wait to check that out. thanks.