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Contributor II
Contributor II

different Font sizes for sheet title

Can we have different Font sizes for sheet title lets say title of sheet is 'This a dashboard'& 'Reload'& Reloadtime()


Now can we have 'This a dashboard' in font size of 16px and

'Reload'& Reloadtime() in font size of 14px

Labels (2)
2 Replies
Partner - Creator III
Partner - Creator III

Hi @NS

Unfortunately, there is no option to change the font size for now. Qlik operates with a responsive design, so by default the charts/texts/labels will be in an optimal size for the user.

If you would like, there is an option to change the theme

Contributor II
Contributor II

Hi @santho_ak ,

Thanks for the response!!

I have tried with customs themes as well but there is no option to have different font sizes in a same string(Sheet Title). Yes, with css we can change the font size of complete string/sheet title.

For e.g. Lets say sheet tile is  "This is a  dashboard" now the req. is to get "This is a" in font size of 14px and "Dashboard" in font size of 18px

If possible can you suggest what needs to be added in css to achieve this.