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Contributor II
Contributor II

dynamic dimension in filter


I loaded all dimension names in a table and based on the value from that dimension table, I am dynamically loading dimension data in the charts.For example, the dimension tables values are Year, Week, Product, Customer etc.

In the dimension of charts i am using this expression.


This means that when i click on Week, the chart loads week as dimension and so on.

Now a new requirement has come up that the select dimension should also come as a filter so that users can select/deselect individual values from the selected dimension.

For example, if someone clicks on Year, the chart loads all years in the dimension of the chart. Now if someoen would like to exclude few years, then Year should also appear as a filter so that users can deslect or select chosen years.

Similarly, if someone clicks on Product, the chart dynamically loads Product as dimension. However, the users wants to be able to select or deselect some products as a filter

Can someone please guide how can i load the chosen dimension dynamically in a filter so that users can chose values fromt he filter



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