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I have some data that looks something to similar below.
AK 2019 TEST1
AK 2018 TEST2
AK 2017 TEST3
I'd like to extract this column - ACCOUNT_TITLE so that my values will only be TEST1, TEST2, TEST3.
I tried grabbing the first 7 characters than taking that length and subtracting it from the column but don't yield any results. This is a pretty simple problem I'm getting stuck on. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
If you want to exclude first 7 characters of string you can do it like this:
Len gets the overall lenght of the string, then you need to identify how many you want to subtract. Hope this helps
There are couple of solutions, depending on what you're data look like.
You can try Right(ACCOUNT_TITLE,5) to get last 5 letters - TEST1
You can try subfield(ACCOUNT_TITLE,' ',3) to get third string part after space (if you have two spaces).
You can use Index to identify position of T (if there is no T in previous string - AK 2018) and do Left from there
I've tried the methods 1 and 2. It would work but in my case I def need some adjustments in my syntax.
Problem is my data has different strings within, I should've mentioned that.
AK 2018 TEST1
I guess I want to exclude the first 7 characters. Since everything after the first 7 characters can be either one word, 2, 3 etc.
I'm tried taking the first 7 character and then deduct that from the field, thinking it would give me the remainder of that string.
=ACCOUNT_TITLE - (left(ACCOUNT_TITLE , 7)) ---- but this doesn't seem to work as I expected.
Hope this clarifies a bit.
If you want to exclude first 7 characters of string you can do it like this:
Len gets the overall lenght of the string, then you need to identify how many you want to subtract. Hope this helps
Thank you, this is exactly what I was looking for.