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if true / else (table -> coloring columns)

Hello to all, I am new to qlik view and programming in general. 

I need to color columns.


As you can see in my image the columns are green, yellow blue, grey, ...

I add one more column, and every column in this table which would be ADD should be  "example" black color....  how can I write the expression in it and where. I guess under the table from the city ()

what i did till now was -> under each column I add an expression :

1) Flights -> background -> 

if(Flights, green(),red())

the red I just added because I thought that when I would add any another column after the MAIL column would go red but it is not ofc like that...(see the image )


2) .....

3) ...

4) ...

could you give an advice? 

Thank you for your time 







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