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issues with a "send email by script "

Hi Qlikers 


I need help with a scenario where a need to send every day a simple table with some result from previous day. ( let's say it is a call handled level ratio  and the volume of received  and  handled calls . )

I read some post and webpage and tried to reproduced the same but without succes. I am not professional scripter 🙂 

I  followed this tutorial from Steve Dark : 

I'am able to create the html table 

I'am able to get en email sending wilh the object i want but i'am not able to populate  the body of the mail with my html table.  I missed somthink but not able to identify where i did bad. 

Help will be very appreciate 



Ps I upload the qvf with the script and the resulting html table i generate from script ( convert to zip file for upload) 

1 Reply
Partner - Contributor III
Partner - Contributor III


So if i understand well, you need to put the html body inside your API call

I think you need to first create a variable and use it inside your call, like this:

concat([<!--EMailOutput-->] & chr(10)) as Message
resident EMailOutput;

let vMessage = peek('Message',-1);

and use $(vMessage) as message parameter

if it doesn't work, maybe watch out for the single and double quotes
