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i have 2 months of data july 2017 and august 2017. Saved that data into two separate QVD files july.qvd & august.qvd.
As also i saved entire 2 months data into single qvd file as Details.qvd
now i have 3 qvd files
all the qvd files contains date, no.of sales, total amount, profit, loss.
Date,no.of sales, total amount, profit, loss
july_date, july_no.of sales, july_total amount, july_profit, loss
similarly for august.qvd
And i am loading only Details.qvd
i need to create a report contains 2 tables for july and august
how can i make the july_date as dimension separately from details.qvd (this file contains both july & august data)
hi vivetha,
You can use calculated dimenion as
If(WildMatch(Date,'July 2017'),'July 2017')
hi vivetha,
You can use calculated dimenion as
If(WildMatch(Date,'July 2017'),'July 2017')
You can keep all the data in one table in your data model but filter the data when you create your visualizations (reports). Make sure that you create a calculated field when creating the Details.qvd or when reading the Details.qvd.
Month( Date ) AS Month // In a load statement in the data load editor
Make it in the Data Manager.
Normally if using the Data Manager it would create an automatic calendar where the Month would be calculated for you.
The way for example to only get July could be:
Dimension: Date
Measure: Sum( {1<Month={'July'}>} Sales}
The bolded portion of the measure is called a set expression that can be used to specifically filter data from the data model and override the current selections of the user's selections.
Hi ,
use dimension like :Month( Date)
Expression is:Sum( {<Month={'July'}>} Sales}