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I have a table with these fields
product code, price, product type, company, price
for same product type, there are different product codes by different companies.
I want to build a table chart to show all the products by company x as long as it has the lowest price
for example, if the conceptual raw table is like
Product Code | Price | Product Type | company |
A | 1 | apple | x |
B | 3 | apple | y |
C | 0.5 | apple | z |
D | 3 | orange | x |
E | 5 | orange | y |
F | 2.1 | berry | x |
G | 7 | berry | y |
the table I want to render is
Product Code | Price | Product Type | company |
D | 3 | orange | x |
F | 2.1 | berry | x |
since company x only has the lowest prices on orange and berry, then the table only picks 2 products out.
what set expression at price I need to build.
pls advise.
Try this
=aggr(if(price = min(total <Product Type> price), Product Code), Product Type, company)
For your scenario, you should try using Aggr() with min() in the dimension column. like :
Try this & revert if any issues.
try this
min({<company={'x'}>}aggr(If(Price = min(total <[Product Type]> Price) and company='x',Price),[Product Type],company))
Thanks Ahidahr, what if I want to add one more condition to exclude those data rows that company x is exclusive?
if company x only produces one product, its price is by default the lowest. I dont want my table to show those data.
so how do we exclude that condition based on your set expression? please advise.
Hi @coloful_architect ,
Generate a flag from load script, where you flag exclusive products. by :
left join(Data)
Load Product_Code,
Count(distinct Company) as Count.
Resident Data group by Product_Code;
Then in set analysis, Exclude Count-={"1"}. Hope this helps.