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I have a field called Priority which has the following values: High, Medium, Low, Waiting and blanks.
To gather the results of only High, Medium and Low, i used the following:
if("Priority"='Low', "Final Risk Rating", if( "Priority" = 'Medium', "Priority", if ("Priority" = 'High',"Priority"))) as "Priority"
and stored the results in a qvd file. When I load the data out from the qvd file, i used the following code:
However, the legend comes out in the ordre of High, Low then Medium. How do I sort the legend properly into High, Medium, Low (or Low, Medium, High)?
Also, is it possible to change the colours of the legend to whatever i want? Currently, the colours as shown below are not what I want. I want the >90% to be blue, 80-90% be yellow and <80% be red. How should i do this?
For Priority,
Use Sort by Expression,
Pick(Wildmatch(PriorityFieldName, 'High','Medium','Low'),1,2,3)
and Sort it in Ascending.
For 2nd Legend Set
Sort it by Expression,
This will automatically change colors.
Adding the first expression only flipped the graph upside down. I want the graph to stack from low to high which is originally correct. I only want to change the position of the legend to go from High, Medium Low or the other way round
For the 2nd expression, nothing changed when i added it in. Any idea why?
Try this
Create Dimension Piority
=DUAL(PriorityFieldName,if(lower(PriorityFieldName)='low',1, if(lower(PriorityFieldName)='medium',2,3)))
the chart flipped opposite to what Shraddha's expression did, which was the direction i wanted, but the legend still remains at High, Low Medium. Any idea why?
check sequence of Dimension n Measure in Sorting Tab.
Measure should not be above this Priority Dimension
Please see attached app
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By Using Ageing Bucket
if(Priority >=1 and Priority <=80,Dual('LOW',1),
if(Priority >=80 and Priority <=90,Dual('Medium',2),
if(Priority >=90 and Priority <=100,Dual('High',3),)))as PriorityLevel;
Name1, 25
Name2, 41
Name3, 51
Name4, 61
Name5, 71
Name6, 81
Name7, 91
Name8, 56
Tahemas Momin
In Sorting Tab, Your Priority Field Should come before Measure