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Adopt the specific values with function: peek()

Hi Folks, 

i got a question, is that possible to use the peek () to get only specific values, for example, my data do look like:



As you see, Status of Taiwan is 'unknown', i want to replace the 'unknown' only by value of Costcentrer of Germany, my expected Value is NewStatus for Taiwan = open,

if i use the function: peek() so i get the value of USA, what is wrong in this context, i want to replace the 'uknown' only by the value of first row.

Does anybody have any idea, how to rectify this issue?

Thanks a lot


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2 Replies
Partner - Specialist
Partner - Specialist

Your question is a little light on details but from what I surmise you want to create a new field with replacing all the values with "unknown" to "Open"

This is very simple with the If() function

If(Status = 'Unknown','Open',Status) as NewStatus​

You were asking about peek which will allow you to get the value from a field based on the row number you request. Keep in mind the row numbers used in peek begin with 0, your example indicates you were using a 1 as the row number. If what I have mentioned does not help please post some code so we can see what you are doing an better understand the requirements.


Hi Chriscammers thanks a lot for your time and help,

my situation does look like:

Costcenter  Project       Status     NewStatus
Germany      A22              open        open
USA                A22              closed     closed
Taiwan         A22            unknown   open
Germany     A23                 open    cancelled
USA               A23               closed      closed
Taiwan        A23             unknown  cancelled

I would like to fill the field with 'unknown' always with the content of the field: Germany. 

I hope I was able to explain it, if not, please let me know. Thank you again for your help and your precious time.
