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Color for title in Line Chart


       Is there any possibility to give a specific color for title?

       In my scenario, i have written a script to change the title while selection as shown below(Script in Title by expression).

if((substringcount(getfieldselections(Group, ',', 99),'Group_one')) or

(substringcount(getfieldselections(Group, ',', 99),'Group_Two')) or

(substringcount(getfieldselections(Group, ',', 99),'Group_Three')),

'Title for Three groups','Title for other groups')

    In the above scenario, when title is 'Title for Three groups' i want to show it in default color else i want to show 'Title for other groups' in red color.

1 Reply

May be you can use a color condition on the caption tab


If(SubStringCount(GetFieldSelections(Group, ',', 99), 'Group_one') or

SubStringCount(GetFieldSelections(Group, ',', 99), 'Group_Two') or

SubStringCount(GetFieldSelections(Group, ',', 99), 'Group_Three'), RGB(...),LightRed())