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Counting Ranks. I have no idea :/

I hope this is a simple task and that it is only me having problems because I am new to qlik.


I have 5 Products. And i have price information on that products for 3 online-shops

ProductShop A priceShop B priceShop C price

I choose prices which are equivalent with the ranks which would result from rRnk(-shopprice, 1, 1).

In my fake-data (excel)

I have no seperate field for each shop. I simply have this format:


What i want to get is a stacked bar-chart with shops as dimension.

The bars should stack the count of how often this shop has which rank (which price-position)

Thus shop A is 2 times cheapest, 2 times in the middle and 1 time the most expensive.

for now i have now idea how to count those different cases.

6 Replies

I think the structure you have right now is a better one from my point of view. You can add product as your 1st dimension and shopname as your second dimension and Sum(shopprice) or Avg(Shopprice) as your expression.

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Can you please post more sample data & expected out put ?

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This is part of my fake/test-data I use:


What I want to do is:

1. For each product be able to tell who is top1 to topN shop based on the price.

I managed that with the FirstSortedValue (but if there are two on top1 using the rank would be better)

2. I want to see the distribution of price-positions per shop.

Thus with the given data shop A has:

Top1: 4 times

Top2: 6 times

Top 3: -

shop B:

Top1: 3 times

Top2: 5 times

Top 3: 1 time

As fake-Chart:


In a table it would be possible to show the AVG(position) per shop (if shop is the dimension in the table)

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Use advanced editor to attach the data file to the post.

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and where do i find this file on my disc?

or how can i export it?

Not applicable

you mean this file?