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Creator II
Creator II

Cummulative Sum

Can anyone help me out with this



Load * inline[

Month, Number
Jan, 1
Feb, 2
Mar, 3
Apr, 4
May, 5
Jun, 6
Jul, 7
Aug, 8
Sep, 9
Oct, 10
Nov, 11
Dec, 12



The output should be:

Jan 1

Feb 3

Mar 6

Apr 4

May 9

Jun 15

Jul  7

Aug 15

Sep 24

Oct 10

Nov 21

Dec 33


For every quarter it has to cumulative add, then it has to restart for each quarter. ex:- For Apr -- 4






20 Replies

Have you tried this?

RangeSum(Before(Sum(Number), 0, ColumnNo()))
Contributor III
Contributor III

yes...just tried ... not working in this/my scenario


What does not working means? Does it show an error message? Does it give you an incorrect output? Did it shut down your computer? Did it kill your electricity? Smiley Wink

Not working can mean many things and not knowing what you are getting doesn't really help me help you.

Contributor III
Contributor III

Capture.PNGSmiley LOL

it is showing same amount...
not getting calculate cumulative sum of its 


Would you be able to attach a sample so that I can see the issue?

Contributor III
Contributor III

please check...
in the sample data,month no and CF_month are calendar fields, also expected result format is mentioned.


I was hoping for you to share a sample qvw where I can see the issue. By me building a dashboard on top of the Excel you have shared won't really help... because 1) I will be wasting a lot of my time to build a dashboard on dummy or aggregated data, 2) what might work with this dummy data might not work for your real scenario. I hope you understand my concerns.


Contributor III
Contributor III

find files and mentioned output format.


I used this expression

=RangeSum(Before(Sum([BS Balances]), 0, ColumnNo()))

to get this


Contributor III
Contributor III
